Wednesday 10 December 2008

Haircut & Training

Daniel's First Proper Haircut

He actually seemed to age before our eyes!

I took him to the guy who's been looking after my little bit of hair for the last twenty years and he looked after Daniel really well.

He sat on a booster seat in the main chair and had his hair cut properly for the first time since he was born. He was very good and kept pretty still throught and got a lollipop as a treat afterwards!

Daniel continues to learn very well and picks up anything and everyting he hears.

At 3 years and 7 months, his progress is pretty amazing.

His level of speech is unbelievable at times - whilst eating tea the other night he was after some of my food and had forgotten to say please. I said "what's the magic word?" to which he replied - "Abracadabra". Couldn't really refuse could I?!

Daniel is still enjoying training on a Saturday at the club and continues to do well under Kate's watchful eye! He doesn't realise that it's an English champion training him (after Kate beat Louise Tanner in their re-match last weekend). Anyway, he got his first first official GMA t-shirt the other week which he doesn't like taking off!

We got his school application form this week (how's that for making you feel old?) - another reminder of his progress. Now Christmas is approaching and he's aware of Santa, Advent calendars and all things festive!

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Daniel Training!

Daniel's First Training Session!

Last week I noticed a few very young children with Kate (one of the GMA Kick-boxing black belts) being trained in a fun and very introductory way. Mr Carter also looked after them for a while too with a bit of "Mit work"!

I was really keen to give Daniel a go yesterday just to see how he reacted - although I was training myself at the time he looked like he was doing really well. He lasted the whole hour, doing all sorts of little exercises and was rewarded at the end with 2 stickers which said "Focus" and "Control".

He'd been excited about it all week since I mentioned the possibility of it and it went really well. He even ran over to me while I was supervising some of the youngsters sparring as he was so excited!

Now he wants to do it again which I'm really chuffed about!

Friday 22 August 2008

Tower Of Cheese

The Tower Of Cheese!

Daniel finished his tea and decided to build a tower with what was left of his cheese!

A View From The Hill

Daniel really enjoys Crickley Hill. A View of Gloucestershire lies behind him!

Olympic Medal

Daniel took part in a mini-Olympics and won a race! He was presented with a medal!

Thursday 7 August 2008

Danny @ Drayton

A couple of Pics Of Danny Boy with his beloved trains at Drayton Manor!

He had a great day, managed a king-size tantrum and then the heavens opened at 2.30 and didn't stop so we had to call it a day!

Monday 16 June 2008

My Villa Shirt

The Best Goal In A Villa Shirt This Season?

I actually asked Daddy to wear my Villa shirt today!

Tuesday 3 June 2008

Daniel Meets Thomas

Daniel's Day With Thomas

Today Danny went to see Thomas and some of his friends at the Dean Forest Railway. Quite a few people had told me it was a nice day out and they were right - his face shone when he saw Thomas for the first time, and he met the Fat Controller as well as riding on Thomas, Oliver and Daisy.

The trains ran to Lydney and back while "Daisy" ran to Parkend. There wasn't a great deal to do in Lydney, the pub was shut, so we didn't stay that long. In between the main steam engines, Thomas went about on short trips and at lunchtime one of the naughty Diesels stole his carriages which he had to go and rescue.

The weather was reasonable and Daniel really enjoyed himself, especially when he had his face painted like a tiger at the end and when the engines went "toot toot". There was a bit of rain but to be fair it was very warm and nobody really noticed.

Daniel & Thomas

Daniel, Daddy & The Fat Controller

Daniel his favourite "The Breakdown Train"

Daniel & Oliver

Help - It's A Scary TIGER!!

I Need A Sleep - It's Been A Long Day!

A nice set up and pretty well organised, obviously they're looking to hit you in the pocket once you get to the shop but Daniel only wanted a couple of books ("Cranky" & "Harry and Bert") for his collection and we got him a flag too which he hasn't let go of yet.

Daniel really enjoyed out - a well recommended day out.

Monday 5 May 2008

Daniel Is Three Today!!

My Little Boy Is 3 Today!

Happy Birthday My Little Star...

Daniel's First Proper Goal!

Drumming To "Special Brew" By Bad Manners!

UFC Ground & Pound!

The Wombats!

Bedjumping To "Ruby" By Kaiser Chiefs!

Ballyhoo Black Slide

On Crickley Hill In First Ever Villa Shirt

Two Hands At Playground

Trampoline With Shawnie

Bubbles In The Arcade

Fire Engine Driver

Running On Crickley Hill When Younger!

Lilypie 4th Birthday PicLilypie 4th Birthday Ticker

Friday 25 April 2008

My New Nike Villa Shirt

My New Nike Villa Shirt

My Daddy went to see Aston Villa beat Birmingham 5-1 last Sunday.

..and while he was there he bought me a new top! Although it's for SIX year olds (as it was all they had left), it fits me pretty well already!

I love it - I even wore it to Ballyhoo today!

Sunday 30 March 2008

Daniel's Drums

Daniel's Drums

Well, Daniel is not far away from being three now and it's been a little while since I documented his progress.

His learning skills have come on leaps and bounds, especially with letters and numbers and his memory seems like a sponge with little details being remembered all the time.

He can tell us when to stop and go at the traffic lights now too!

Still loves his music - his CD has been updated to include "The Wombats - Let's Dance To Joy Division" and "EMF - Children" both of which he likes on again and again. He sings along to the "So Happy" line from The Wombats and also mimmicks the Police siren on the EMF track.

He seems to enjoy everything on CBeebies at the moment. Lazy Town, Get Sqiggling, Space Pirates, Lunar Jim - he'd watch it all day if he was allowed!! His favourite film is "Monsters Inc" which again, he'd watch every day if he could!

He makes us laugh so much at times. Yesterday when I saw Cheltenham had taken the lead against Northampton I said "Yes, come on Cheltenham" - to which he replied "No Daddy - Come On Villa" - he's been tought too well.

Then later when Villa conceded the second at Old Trafford I mumbled a rather depressed sentence to which he put his arm on my shoulder and said "Oh Daddy what's the matter" - I said Villa were losing and he replied "Oh no, what we goona do?"

So now his third birthday approaches.....

Sunday 3 February 2008

Daniel & The FA Cup

Daniel & The FA Cup

We were walking through Cheltenham early on Saturday when we noticed a large security presence in the Regent Arcade, probably about 8 or 9 of them all looking very shifty.

Anyway, about 2 hours later we're wandering back through when we realised what the fuss was all about.

The FA Cup had come to town!

One of the guys looking after the trophy came up to us as we were stood there looking at it and asked it we'd like to have a photo next to it. Daniel very carefully put his hand on the left side handle, aware that this silver thing was obviously important.

Then that was it. I hope Daniel remembers the time he touched this wonderful trophy - as a Villa supporter he may never see it again!

Monday 28 January 2008

My Little Angel

Since the turn of the year (and probably the last few months of last year), work has been ultra-busy and at times too much for us to cope with. I've been coming home and falling asleep once Daniel's in bed.

Quite a few times I've been pretty depressed but always tried to put that to one side when I'm with him at home.

The other night, feeling suitably down, I'd finished reading his bed-time story and he was getting himself comfortable and snuggling before I took him upstairs.

Out of the blue Daniel looked up and said "I love you Daddy".

There is no drug available to man that could give me that sort of emotional high.

Daniel, you are my little angel and I love you more than you'll ever know.