Wednesday 9 September 2009

2nd Week With Dad

Second Week Of School

I've been saving a treat for Daniel when he finishes school at Midday this week. On Monday we went down to Ballyhoo which he loves and and a bonus was pretty quiet. Cue another two hours of relentless running around and also a slight panic when Daddy temporarily loses his car keys in the ball-pit!

Yesterday we went up Crickley Hill again, walking through another differnet path in "The forest" and playing football in a strong wind. Whilst on the top about 13 "Red Arrow" type aircraft thundered past making such a loud noise Daniel nearly fell over!

Today I took him to "Sizzlers" where he had Toad In The Hole and virtually had the lot! Not to mention the ice cream afterwards!

At the moment he loves school and seems to have plenty of friends, some of whom he still doesn't know the names of! This time has been so good for me, I've loved being around him more often, chatting with other parents at the school and sharing these long afternoon's.

I wish I could do it more often.