Saturday 9 January 2010

Daniel Snow 2010

Here Comes The Snow Again

So last Wednesday the snow arrived, much like last February it was quite deep, and if you're driving - very annoying. Still, the main roads were fairly resonable while the side roads and estate roads were the ones that needed extra care.

On Thursday morning the temperature in the car was -10'. I've never seen that ever before - left alone the -12' when I actually arrived at work. Not that you ever get any thanks for getting into work while others are off "sick", turn up late or not at all.

Daniel has been home with the school, being closed and all training has been cancelled so far which meant at least I could have half an our in snow with Daniel when I got home which we both enjoyed.

Today I've been out with him on his sledge which he's loved! We went round to the Business Park where you could see the snow for miles on the hills and it also has a few small spots where he can slide down in the sledge. For the last 3 days I haven't even been able to get home at lunchtime to see him so, with Mum at work catching up, I've been able to spend some great quality time with him. Early on we built some lego models (lorry, helicopter & motorbike) and then we hit the snow!

Daniel enjoyed running up the hilly part towards the trees and getting me to lob snowballs in his direction so he could jump out the way and shout "missed me"! Then he'd run down and fire back at close range. We ended up in our back garden, played snow-football and made some snow angels - with snow down the back of his neck and a very runny nose, I thought it was time to call it a day. Just an hour later after tea he fell asleep on the sofa!

You may as well get out in it as there's little on sport-wise today - everything has been decimated and even Wigan's undersoil-heating couldn't cope meaning the game was called off today, the second in a row after Blackburn.

Looking at the forecast there could be more games postponed in the week ahead...

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