Sunday 25 July 2010

Drayton Manor

Our Day At Drayton Manor

On Friday 23rd July Daniel and Me headed for Drayton Manor.

It was a surprise so his excited squeal when he realised where he was going made it all worthwhile for me.

We did all the rides in Thomasland that he likes including Cranky for the first time! We went on a nice boat trip and saw plenty of animals. Daniel ended up getting wet by standing a bit close to the log flume - next time we'll go on it ourselves.

The day meant so much to me. I don't get many of them that I enjoy like that - he means the world to me and keeps me going in ways he'll never realise.

His Dad loves him unconditionally and always will.

My life is so negative these days and there are few bright points about it. Friday was one of those few bright points.

I love you Daniel - my little munchkin.

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