Friday 7 December 2007

Daniel's A Clever Boy!

Daniel Is Such A Clever Boy!

We've been really impressed by his progress over the last few weeks, with his speech and sentence-building.

Still not quite at 2 and a half, he's nearly always able to put his point across so we can understand. The other day we were talking about the fact we'd just had dinner with his Nana and I was explaining some of the things he'd had to eat - to which he replied "That's right Daddy, well done!" I nearly wet myself laughing!

I've managed to get him to say "Come On The Villa" a couple of times, whilst "Penalty" and "Touchdown" get some mentions. He still loves the darts and especially the music - talking of which he's still insistant on bouncing on the bed to his four favourite songs every time I get home.

"Bouncy boing on the bed with Daddy" - That greets me straight after "Hello" when I get in!

What has amazed us is his ability to point out shapes and tell us what they are. He has a drawing mat with a couple of stencils, one of which is full of shapes - he identified every single one including, oval, rectangle, square, circle, triangle, diamond and star. Not only that, but he's trying to make the shapes by using his fingers as well - I'm so seriously impressed.

He's not long had a hearing test which he passed with flying colours. He's doing really well at Nursery too, getting along with everyone and being really happy - especially when he sees his favourite big Yellow Bus go by in the morning while we wait at the entrance.

Danny loves kicking the ball in the back garden (and the small ones in the house) and can run with it very well now. He also likes whacking the smaller ones with a feather duster, pretending it's a golf club. His energy levels are very, very high and he can run about for ages and leave me flagging!

Favourite TV at the moment is still "In The Night Garden", closely followed by "Balamory". It has to be said though that "Underground Ernie" and "Bob The Builder" are running them close! We have to be careful that: a) He doesn't watch too much TV + b) He doesn't watch things he shouldn't (Like UFC Fighting for instance) as he's starting to mimmick everything!

Potty training has really come on a bundle in the last few days so all in all he's doing tremendously well and we're really pleased with him.

November 23 Update:

The health vistor popped round today - Daniel has has a huge growth spurt, especially in his height! She said whatever we feed him must be quite something!

Aside from the fact he's healthy and has just recovered from chicken pox (getting through it very well) his development continues at an amazing rate.

During one of many repeated plays of "Tom Hark" he noticed me doing a cymbal crash and proceeded to copy me. The thing is, he knows exactly when to come in with his version of a cymbal crash. At first I thought it was just luck, but he continued to time it perfectly.

Timing and height - surely the NBA beckons for Danny boy!

Daniel had his first visit to Ballyhoo and loved it. We'll be taking him again next week - plus his Nativity play at Nursery is looming and we need to get his STAR costume ready!!

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