Thursday 6 December 2007

Danny Wants To Feed Himself

When The Little Man Wants To Feed Himself!

Daniel has become very independant when it comes to his food. He'll shun most attempts of any help and usually ends up half-covered in whatever he was trying to eat!

He's doing very well with it though. Also, he has really taken to being read to, especially the "Apple Tree Farm" book which we know off by heart we've read it so much now!

He also has another book with pictures where we ask him where things are and he points them out. He seems to be very keen on learning and it's great to watch him doing it.

Daniel Is 2 Years Old

It just can't be two years since he arrived on the scene, surely?

Well, today is Daniel's second birthday and he's enjoying his presents and much more aware that something is "different" today. He'll be seeing plenty of relatives and friends over this weekend including Uncle Hatemanu later on for the Sheff Utd match.

He's done well with his presents, plenty of clothes and more of his favourite books. Not to mention a couple of big footballs, a slide for the garden and a Thomas The Tank Engine track that took 30 minutes just to set up!

Overall he's doing really well, his speech is coming along excellently and he's really bright and aware of everything that goes on around him. He loves his nursery three days a week and seems to enjoy cleaning up and playing in the garden the most - getting him back in from the garden is often the hardest part.

The odd tantrams are creeping in which is to be expected. His first one in whilst shopping happened in Tesco last weekend which included the lying on the floor, screaming when picked up and turning into a "bar of soap" - stretched out to the fullest making him hard to carry!

He was soon smiling again mind you!

He loves animals and can make all the noises of the various ones found on the farm, especially after seeing them all for real the other week. His independance shines through as he loves to walk everywhere and he always likes to have a try at things himself once we've shown him how.

Daniel really enjoys being outdoors and loves going up Crickley Hill and running in the wide open spaces - last week (wearing his Villa shirt) a couple walked by with the bloke saying "Good result yesterday" to which Daniel started chatting away - his first football conversation!

Anyway, his weekend continued with some swimming at Cheltenham Rec on Sunday morning, he's getting there but maybe a bit slowly. I'm not too sure of what sort of stage he should be at now he's two - he's fine in the water but the "kicking legs" part is taking some time!

Daniel's favourite songs at the moment are...

The Automatic - Monster (All the time - car and in the house!)

Gwen Stefani - Sweet Escape (Dad hates that one!!)

Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars

Muse - Starlight

Well, that's where we are for now. Thanks to all the relatives and friends who sent stuff - we'll be contacting you soon!

It's time for the terrible two's to begin....

...In Balamory

Ahh, Balamory - Daniel's favourite programme which he watches with me every morning! He knows all the characters and which coloured houses they all live in.

This is closely followed by In The Night Garden where his favourite characters are Makka-Pakka and The Tombliboos. As an adult, this programme is quite a head-trip but he loves it and also knows it's time to "wind-down" and start thinking about being ready for bath time or bed.

At nearly 26 months Daniel is growing rapidly and is every inch the little boy, 100mph and into everything.

Clean teeth like Tombliboos!

He's getting pretty handy with the football in back garden and shouts GOAL whenever he kicks it hard. He still loves his books and drawing but his favourite occupation is getting hold of me when I get in from work and insisting on bouncing on the bed for 3 mintues and 38 seconds to "Monster" by The Automatic - a song he loves!

Daniel even has his own CD at the moment as he loves his music and is always asking for songs to be played again and again. On the CD are....

1) Balamory Theme Tune

2) The Automatic - Monster

3) Planet Funk - Chase The Sun (Darts music which he goes Oi! Oi! to)

4) Gwen Stefani - The Sweet Escape

5) Snow Patrol - Chasing Cars

6) Mad Caddies - Don't Go

7) Mastermix Allstarz - Tom Hark Remix

8) The Feeling - Sewn

9) David Guetta Vs The Egg - Love Don't Let Me Go

10) Soup Dragons - I'm Free

...and another 10 after that!

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