Sunday 25 July 2010

Drayton Manor

Our Day At Drayton Manor

On Friday 23rd July Daniel and Me headed for Drayton Manor.

It was a surprise so his excited squeal when he realised where he was going made it all worthwhile for me.

We did all the rides in Thomasland that he likes including Cranky for the first time! We went on a nice boat trip and saw plenty of animals. Daniel ended up getting wet by standing a bit close to the log flume - next time we'll go on it ourselves.

The day meant so much to me. I don't get many of them that I enjoy like that - he means the world to me and keeps me going in ways he'll never realise.

His Dad loves him unconditionally and always will.

My life is so negative these days and there are few bright points about it. Friday was one of those few bright points.

I love you Daniel - my little munchkin.

Saturday 3 July 2010

Daniel's Last Training Day 09/10

Daniel & all his friends have their final training day of the season. A very enjoyable day, and enjoyable experience all year. We're lucky to have a very supportive group of parents around us and look forward to meeting up again in September!

Daniel has come along very well - just needs to concentrate and toughen up a little. If he can duplicate what he does in the back garden he'll be fine.

No 1 in importance is that he's loved it - he hasn't missed one session

Sunday 6 June 2010

Daniel & Glasses

Daniel & Glasses

The news I'd feared was confirmed this week as we were told that Daniel would need glasses to correct problems with his eyes.

I'm so gutted for the little man - I just hope as its been caught early that wearing them for a couple of years will mean he won't need them at all later. We saw a nice specialist in Cirencester who confirmed what the hospital had said and told us the risks involved if we just left it.

Obviously there was no choice. We've found some nice ones with black/green sides so they look like Ben 10 glasses. My main concern is that he isn't teased at school because if he is I'll go ballistic.

He's been through enough already with the helmet. I know it's not the end of the world but I just want to take the problems away from him and give them to me. We have to make sure as little fuss is made of them as possible and Mum will be buying him an identical pair but as sunglasses (which he's used to wearing anyway).

This weekend he got a very deserved Player Of The Week trophy at training. Very proud.

Sunday 11 April 2010

Daniel Goes To Wembley

Daniel Goes To Wembley

Despite the result, Daniel had a great day yesterday. He came down on the coach with me, meeting all my friends and had a great time at the nice pub we stopped at with Jack and Uncle Alastair.

I expected parts of the match would pass him by and that was understandable. However, he did sing along a couple of times, shouting "Come On Villa" really loudly - it was a bit emotional for me when he was doing that, especially at Wembley.

Sunday 28 February 2010

Daniel Wins Trophy

Daniel Wins Weekly Trophy

Football training was hard on Saturday morning - it was boggy anyway and then it rained some more so keeping the kids spirits up was hard for me & Steve who take their training.

Daniel wore his new HYFC training jacket with his DM initials on it.

The week before he'd scored his first proper goal in the game at the end which I was delighted about. He's improving, slowly, but enjoying it which is the #1 main thing for me.

This week he won the trophy for Player Of The Week which we were naturally very proud of.

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Swindon & Ballyhoo

Our Day - Feb 15th

I wish there were more days like this.

I was off work for once and looking after Daniel as he's on half term. We drove down to Swindon and went to the Outlet Centre. Daniel remembered where Swindon's Football Ground was and he enjoyed going over the Magic Roundabout again!

At the Outlet Centre he played in the play area and had a few goes on the inflatable slide in-between going round the shops. About lunchtime we headed back and tried Magicland in Cirencester which was a waste of time with a half hour wait just to get in! I tried Ballyhoo in Cheltenham which was more bearable so Daniel got a good 90mins of running around like a mad thing!

We got home about 3ish and just relaxed and watched Ben 10 Alien Force for a while.

I love having days like this with him - he's so good and loves being with his Dad. I treasure these times so much.

Saturday 9 January 2010

Daniel Snow 2010

Here Comes The Snow Again

So last Wednesday the snow arrived, much like last February it was quite deep, and if you're driving - very annoying. Still, the main roads were fairly resonable while the side roads and estate roads were the ones that needed extra care.

On Thursday morning the temperature in the car was -10'. I've never seen that ever before - left alone the -12' when I actually arrived at work. Not that you ever get any thanks for getting into work while others are off "sick", turn up late or not at all.

Daniel has been home with the school, being closed and all training has been cancelled so far which meant at least I could have half an our in snow with Daniel when I got home which we both enjoyed.

Today I've been out with him on his sledge which he's loved! We went round to the Business Park where you could see the snow for miles on the hills and it also has a few small spots where he can slide down in the sledge. For the last 3 days I haven't even been able to get home at lunchtime to see him so, with Mum at work catching up, I've been able to spend some great quality time with him. Early on we built some lego models (lorry, helicopter & motorbike) and then we hit the snow!

Daniel enjoyed running up the hilly part towards the trees and getting me to lob snowballs in his direction so he could jump out the way and shout "missed me"! Then he'd run down and fire back at close range. We ended up in our back garden, played snow-football and made some snow angels - with snow down the back of his neck and a very runny nose, I thought it was time to call it a day. Just an hour later after tea he fell asleep on the sofa!

You may as well get out in it as there's little on sport-wise today - everything has been decimated and even Wigan's undersoil-heating couldn't cope meaning the game was called off today, the second in a row after Blackburn.

Looking at the forecast there could be more games postponed in the week ahead...